Non-Toxic Doesn't Mean Safe
Updated: Nov 17, 2018
"Non-Toxic"is not free of toxins or Toxic-free. Non-Toxic means they Know there are toxins in it, and it must be tested on animals, BUT, less than 50% of the animals died, so it is allowed to be labeled "NON_TOXIC" AND, The company can test in on their own, and stop the test at anytime they choose. (like when 49% of the animals have died). The word non-toxic appears on many consumer products, but it is misleading. Accordingly to the federal regulatory definition, non-toxic doesn't necessarily mean "not at all toxic"or"absolutely safe"but it can mean, for example that no more than half of the laboratory animals exposed to the products through ingestion or inhalation died with in two weeks. A product can also be called non-toxic if no serious damage occurred through eye or skin contact. These tests reflect only on short term health effects that may be associated with the product. Long-term or chronic effects are not considered.
"Every day we use products that we think are safe; but the truth is that products are NOT always safe - and manufactures don't have to tell us so."
The Cosmetic industry disputes the information that some commonly used patented ingredients are harmful. The Basis for their argument is that these chemicals are contained in products in low doses. But the National Toxicology program,a division of the national institutes of health,completed a comprehensive study confirming that low doses of hormone disruptions and carcinogens do have harmful effects. Smoking "just one" cigarette probably wont cause cancer. So how many personal care products do you use "just once"in a life time? once a year? once a month? once a week? once a day if not more often? Multiple uses add up!
The vast amount majority of the thousand synthetic chemicals now on the market have not been tested for toxicity. A minimum of one thousand new chemicals are added each year and the FDA cannot catch up. The magnitude of this problem is overwhelming. Remember,"Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence."
Fragrance is considered non-toxic. The National Academy of Sciences reports 95% of chemicals used in fragrance are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. They include benzene derivatives, Aldehydes and many other known Toxins and Sensitizers - capable of causing cancer birth defects, Central Nervous System Disorders (brain and spine) include Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's and sudden Infant Death Syndrome.